Birou arhitectura angajeaza arhitecti/ arhitecti stagiari cunoscator autocad, photoshop, 3dsmax.
Daca iti doresti sa faci parte dintr-o echipa profesionista, te rugam sa aplici la anunt cu CV-ul tau.
Birou arhitectura angajeaza arhitecti/ arhitecti stagiari cunoscator autocad, photoshop, 3dsmax.
Daca iti doresti sa faci parte dintr-o echipa profesionista, te rugam sa aplici la anunt cu CV-ul tau.
The company was founded in 2005 by Liviu Ion and Iulia Iatagan, member architects OAR Our company undertakes projects that encompass a broad range of building types including commercial, residential, cultural, interior design, industrial. One common element of all these projects is the care taken by us to ensure that each project is handled as a unique set of conditions, with the client requirements and site potential considered as a fresh challenge requiring an original and innovative solution.
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