Process Engineer (Inginer Productie Autoliv Rovinari) in Rovinari

  Autoliv este lider global în sisteme de siguranță auto și este prezent în 27 de țări. În România, a fost fondat în 1997, unde dezvoltă, produce și comercializează airbag-uri, centuri de siguranță și volane. Viziunea noastră de a salva mai multe vieți ne ghidează munca zilnică. În cazul unui accident, produsele noastre au la dispoziție câteva milisecunde pentru a acționa, salvând viețile șoferilor, pasagerilor și pietonilor. În fiecare an, produsele noastre salvează peste 35 000 de vieți și contribuie la evitarea a sute de mii de accidente grave.     Autoliv's primary goal is to Save More Lives. Our products never get a second chance. This is why we can never compromise on quality. We are working to increase vehicle safety by developing seatbelts, airbags and steering wheels and you can be part of our team as  ROLE   .              If you think you'll like to manage the following responsibilities at higher standards: List responsibilities  The activities will include full level of technical knowledge. Responsible for installation and validation of machines; Machines, utilities, tractability system implementation; Machine set up & validation - responsible for continuous improvement and process training for industrial and operators; Analyze and improve process capability and efficiency on machine; Create and maintain Process Failure Modes and Effects Analyze (PFMEA). Prepares and updates new/transferred/modified process documents according to the procedure (Flow chart, FMEA, SWI); Participates in workshops and projects specific to his field of activity; Observe and perform all tasks and responsibilities stipulated in the working procedures and standards specific to the department's activities. Then we will be more than glad to chat with you about your experience and your career goals. Our international work environment can offer you challenging and rewarding opportunities. We are committed to develop people’s skills, knowledge and creative potential. Our training and development programs emphasize technical competency, leadership development and business management skill.                                                                                                  More lives saved – more life lived!


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