Recruiter in Romania- recruiting for work in Olanda in Alexandria

Recruiter needed



We are an employment agency from Poland - Klaver Sp. z o.o. from Częstochowa. 


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the job offers: - also in your language version



We are developing and we are looking for employees from Romania and neighboring countries who will work in the Netherlands and Germany.



Your key responsibilities:


- find / recruit workers from Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria


- preparing a list of contacts / employees in Excel


- sending us completed employment contracts 


- linguistic verification of employees declaring communicative English


- you must have communicative English


- preferred experience in recruitment or other office work


- help to organise and coordinate transport Romania-Netherlands



Your key responsibilities:


- find / recruit employees from Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria


We offer:


- commission for each person who works for a minimum of 3 weeks


- monthly demand for Candidates to work in the Netherlands is about 100 people


- earnings approx. 1500 € - (with 100 Candidates)


- great freedom of action



For more information, please call or text or whatsApp me:


Malwina: +48 731 901 913


Contact in English only

Despre companie

We are an employment agency from Poland - Klaver Sp. z o.o. from Częstochowa. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the job offers: - also in your language version We are developing and we are looking for employees from Romania and neighboring countries


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