CERINȚE: • Dețineți permis de conducere CE, cod 95 și card digital de conducere; • Aveți experiență cu o combinație tractor-remorcă; • Experiența în transportul vrac și/sau afinitatea cu sectorul agricol reprezintă un plus, • Ai o atitudine flexibilă și orientată spre servicii; • Ești comunicativ și prietenos cu clienții, • Nivelul de limba engleză B1 / B2.
Sofer TIR / TRUCK comunitate in Olanda
Despre companie
Temporales, part of the Dutch group Ik Blink, was created to help professionals from southern Europe successfully enter the Dutch job market. Market leaders for 8 years and specialists in supplying qualified and specialized professionals from Southern Europe to the industrial, logistics, maintenance, hospitality and healthcare sectors in the Netherlands, we are proud to have helped more than 9000 people work in the Netherlands . We are proud to have helped more than 9000 people to work in the Netherlands. Should we go together?
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